Black death ready for battle

Almost two years ago in September 2022 I started watching Blender tutorials on YouTube and messing around with sculpting so I could have a go at creating some gaming pieces for a friend (note to Alex: we still need to make that Trojan Wars boardgame). I very quickly focused on the idea of designing a platoon of Soviet Naval Infantry as a way to get some sculpting practice. I loved the idea of them as a Bolt Action army but wanted more support units than the limited Warlord Games metal figures could provide.

Things have spun slightly out of control since then. Having created the Black Death figure range and launched them as a Kickstarter, I now count myself as very lucky to be sculpting full time as my day job.

In the 2 years since I designed my first Naval Infantryman I’ve painted a lot of black-clad sailors for promo shots but I’ve simply not had the time to sit down and create the full Bolt Action army I imagined back in 2022. That is until today!

I’m incredibly pleased to finally have them finished after a few months of chipping away at them. This 750 point army list has been written for the South London Scrap event being run in September by the South London Warlords and I’ve tried to theme it roughly around my two favourite Black Death battles - the Kerch landings (one of a number of amphibious operations backed up by lend-lease Stuart tanks) and the Arctic Circle fighting around Murmansk (where the ground in summer is often covered in a surprisingly colourful mix of hardy arctic plants).

I’m planning to expand it with a few more support units and riflemen once Version 3 of Bolt Action is out so keep an eye out for it at UK tournaments and events in the future.